Academy of Finance

Academy of Finance

Academy of Finance

The Academy of Finance (AOF) is an exclusive learning community under the National Academy Foundation (NAF). Students enroll in Academy courses per year.  Students will be exposed to career exploration opportunities such as job shadowing, internships, classroom trips, and guest speakers from local businesses.  The Academy of Finance connects high school students with the world of financial literacy, offering a curriculum that covers accounting, banking and credit, financial planning, global finance, securities, insurance, entrepreneurship, economics, and much more. College-level courses are offered through Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC). Students can earn certificates in Accounting, Business or Legal Foundations upon completion of the Academy.  For more information, please email Mrs. Sharon Riddick-Brown at or call 910-484-8121 ext. 311.

AOF Program is a unique program that offers many exciting opportunities and benefits to its students, including:

  • Eligibility for college scholarships for those planning to major in business.

  • Opportunities for job internships are available, which provide real-life work experience for students .

  • Access to Finance Academy teachers and faculty to assist with career path decisions.

  • Special courses given on interviewing skills, business etiquette and customer service to prepare students for the workforce.

Certification Exams available to AOF students:

Intuit Bookkeeping Intuit Quickbooks

Background of the Academy of Finance

The Academy of Finance was established at Douglas Byrd High School (DBHS) in 1995, making it one of the longest continuously operating career academies in the state. AOF at DBHS is a Cumberland County School of Choice and is designed as a four-year program to give students an overview of careers in the business and finance fields. This academy offers students an industry-specific curriculum in business and finance while completing their required high school curriculum.

Admission Requirements

The DBHS Academy of Finance is a part of the CCS Choice Program.  Students in the district will complete an application during their 9th or 10th grade year. Juniors (11th) will have to meet with the director before completing an application. Students outside the DBHS district must also complete a CCS Choice Application. 

Link to Scope & Sequence Document

*Overall GPA - C Average  *3.0 GPA in academy courses *Teacher recommendations


Click HERE for application

Application is also available on the Douglas Byrd High School website.  Click on “Our Activities” then click Choice Program/Academy of Finance.

If you would like more information, check out the CCS Choice Program Page on Cumberland County’s website.

Sharon Riddick-Brown Douglas Byrd High School 1624 Ireland Drive Fayetteville, NC 28304 Telephone: 910-484-8121 ext. 311